Friday, August 30, 2024

Writertorium Manuscript Inventory

Here's what I'm brewing up in the Writertorium...

Two Adult Psychological Suspense novels: 

One about four friends who reunite in the woods & one goes missing because friendship is complicated...& sometimes deadly!

Status: Completed & queried (fingers crossed!)

One about the mysterious (& weird) disappearance of my neighbor (& her dog).

Status: Completed & queried (fingers crossed!)

One YA Horror novel:

A feminist retelling of the Bloody Mary urban legend on a college campus. Think Promising Young Woman meets Candyman (2021). 

Status: Completed & revising. 

One YA Witchy Mystery-Romance novel:

A magical mystery-sapphic romance about three teen sister witches that find themselves tangled up in a centuries-old curse.

Status: In progress

Thursday, August 22, 2024

A New Chapter

 A new chapter has begun for this writer. This summer I started Seton Hill University's Writing Popular Fiction MFA program, and I've already made friends, met mentors & REAL witches! 

Yeah, this is definitely where I parked my car. It just took me a long time to find my keys. 

Now I'm off to write about witches, murder, curses & star-crossed Sapphic lovers. 


Tuesday, March 21, 2017


Check out all the amazing YA authors (including moi) that will be at Authorpalooza this Saturday!!!

Ava Jae
Bethany Neal
Heather Meloche
Cori McCarthy
Amy Rose Capetta
E.M. Olson
Melissa Grunow
Barbara J. Rebbeck
MG Buehrlen
Darcy Woods
Erica Chapman
Patrick Flores-Scott
Judy Steele 

Come to the Rochester Hills Barnes & Noble Saturday, March 25 12-3pm to hang out, get your books signed & snag some writing advice. Plus, there's a Beauty & the Beast event happening the same day. You could meet Belle! And Belle loves nothing more than books...just sayin'.

See you there!

Thursday, December 1, 2016

Merry Book-mas!

Papa Hemingway would be proud of this book tree's topper. May your season be filled with good reads & good friends!


Monday, October 3, 2016

All Hallow's Read

It's that time of year again! What spooky reads is keeping you up at night this fall?


Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Summer Reading Event

Calling all Michigan YA readers! I'll be at the Addison Township Public Library this weekend (Saturday, July 9) at 4pm for an author panel & signing with Ava Jae (Beyond The Red), Laura Wolfe (Trail Of Secrets) & Sarah Zettel (Palace of Spies series). I've also heard rumors of snacks...just saying. 
More details here.


Tuesday, June 7, 2016

B-Fest is this Weekend!

Barnes & Nobel is hosting their first ever weekend long book teen festival B-Fest is this weekend! Festivities begin this Friday, June 10 and run through Sunday, June 12.

Barnes & Nobel stores nationwide will be holding super fun YA events, giveaways, trivia, games & sneak peeks books that won't be out until the fall. So B-Sure to check out their site for full details.

Want to meet me & some other truly awesome Michigan authors AND celebrate My Last Kiss's publication anniversary on June 10th? Here's my B-Fest itinerary:

Friday @ 7pm for Author Panel & Signing
2800 S. Rochester Rd. 
Rochester Hills, MI 48307

Saturday @ 2pm for Bookish Games, including Pictionary, Spelling Showdown & more!
w/ John C. Ford & Amy Goldman Koss
Barnes & Noble  
17111 Haggerty Hwy.
Northville, MI 48168 

Saturday @ 6pm Author Panel & Signing 
w/Aimee Carter
Barnes & Noble  
3120 Fairlane Dr.
Allen Park, MI 48101
Sunday @ 2pm for Writing Workshop:
w/ Erica M. ChapmanBarbara Rebbeck
Barnes & Noble
2800 S. Rochester Rd. 
Rochester Hills, MI 48307
