The good news, fifth times the charm! I finished my draft and recovered from (this particular) spout of insanity. Cue celebratory dance party.

As ecstatic as I am to 1) have a relevant use for that clip of Elaine from Seinfeld doing "little kicks" and 2) be done(ish) with my current novel, my timing kinda sucks. Finishing an almost there draft on November 3rd means missing out on NaNoWriMo. Again. National Novel Writing Month is, well, insane, but if you've read my About Me blurb you know I loves me some creatively juiced insanity.
Since the day I gave myself a daily word count goal, wrangled up a fantabulous literary agent, and got serious about this whole writing thing, I've looked upon NaNoWriMo with the sort of whimsy that Van Gogh must have looked upon his poor ear. Alas, I must forge ahead and get my current novel done--without the ish tagged on. It can and will be done before 2012 brings on the apocalypse.
But for now, I bask in the glory of actually having a life outside the Writertorium. Hello normal world; how I've missed you.