Wednesday, May 30, 2012

BOOK DEAL 2.0 (Cloud 9 kicks Earth's butt)

Did I mention I landed my first book deal exactly one week ago? Oh. 'Cause I TOTALLY DID!!!!!! And Cloud 9 kicks Earth's waiting for emails, nervous anticipation, tired from hitting refresh for the 30th time on AOL, will I ever get published?, jittery butt. They should bottle this feeling and sell it--celebrity fragrance deal, I am ready. (Yes, I operate under the delusional assumption that I will some day be famous enough for tweens and soccer moms alike to want to smell of me. Didn't you know, that's how you get a book deal?)

*Rerunning the celebration*



(My BF is Peter dressed as a woman in this celebratory scenario that is strikingly accurate to what went down last week after I received the "Deal memo" email. )


Thursday, May 24, 2012

Happy Happy, Joy Joy--BOOK DEAL!!!

So remember that time when I had the biggest most amazing news in the history of ever, but my borderline irrational belief in karma and jinxes kept me from sharing with anyone? Well, the stipulations of jinxes has expired with the arrival of an email in my inbox, and I can officially announce that in 2013 2014 I will be a published young adult author!!!!!!

Let the epic celebration (with no foreseeable end) start! Ren & Stimpy, take it away...

Happy happy, joy joy! Happy happy, joy joy BOOK DEAL!!!!! joy joy! Happy happy, joy joy!

Thank you to everyone who supported (and still supports!) me and my admittedly creepy fascination with "dead girl" books. To all of you along the way that selflessly gave me your guidance and patience and blind faith. And told me I was "tourable." I owe a piece of my joy to you--and a signed book!
